
Review of Star Trek Continues Episode 9: "What Ships Are For"

Image  Courtesy  of Star Trek Continues . Not since I’ve watched  Star Trek: Enterprise  have I been so excited to see another Star Trek series surface. With  Star Trek: Discovery  on the horizon and the explosion of fan-made shorts and film-length tales, so many want to whet their appetites. It has been 12 years since  Enterprise  aired and for Trekkies (like me), that is much too long.  Star Trek Continues  (STC) is one of those fan-made series that has filled the void with their unique homegrown offering, like a good friend that has returned after a long voyage (literally). They have released eight episodes extending  The Original Series  (TOS) by finishing the last two years of the 5-year mission. A time machine back to the days of TOS. One week ago, fans had the pleasure to view its ninth, and what I believe to be the best webisode released thus far: “ What Ships Are For ”. And if it’s any indication by fan response, this episode hit a home run. From what I’ve seen